Saturday, October 4, 2014

We Must Drop Bad Habits....Like A Hot Potato!

A lot of times when we do not have the success which we want in internet marketing, but for just about anything for that matter, we think that it is totally all our fault. Not always, but a lot of times we do fall into the practice of allowing bad habits to rule us.

That is not good. Habits can be a good thing, but just not bad ones. Here are some bad habits which we need to get rid of if we are ever going to have a shot at rising up to our true potential. Check these out 

Habit #1: Expecting yourself to live up to others’ expectations

Your girlfriend? Your friends? Your boss? They’re all people who don’t have to walk a single day in your shoes and will never know what it is like to live your life. So, why is it that their opinions hold so much weight?
When you focus on meeting other people’s expectations, you’re forced into a position where you have to meet all the conditions associated with those expectations, and if you don’t you can end up ruining valuable relationships, and important connections.

Setting your own expectations will force the people around you to see you as an individual, and will allow you to define success on your own terms.

For more information, you can read the entire article

Friday, October 3, 2014

What Is Wake Up Now?

You might be asking what is wake up now? You might have been hearing about us for a short while now and want to know more information about wake up now.

What is Wake Up Now?

Wake Up Now is a financial wellness software company that helps millions of Americans get out of debt and stay out of debt. Our mission is to help people save, manage, and make money all at the same time by providing everyone with amazing products, services, and everyday savings on the things you buy everyday.

Here are just some of savings you can utilize:

  1. Vacation Discounts of 50%-90%
  2. Grocery Coupons
  3. Exclusive Retail Shopping Discounts (Walmart, BestBuy, GNC, Home Depot, Macy’s & Over 1,000 Retailers)
  4. 22% Discount on your AT&T Cell Phone Bill
  5. 3 Free Magazine Subscriptions of Your Choice (With over 150 popular ones to choose from)

Wake Up Now is a lot more than just a savings club. Wake Up Now provides software solutions for a better life. Here is one of the software products that can change the way you live your life:

TaxBot: Created by former IRS training and current CPA and tax attorney Sandy Botkin, Taxbot is an iOS, Android and web application that keeps track of your business spending. It is 100% IRS compliant and taps into your phone’s GPS system to track business miles driven as well as uses your phone’s camera to take pictures of receipts for filing purposes.

I will be sharing more tomorrow. We have plenty of products which can change your life.

If You Keep Thinking The Way You Always Have....You Will Keep Getting The Same Results

Are you happy with where you are? Do you like the results you are having in your personal and professional life? Well, maybe it is time to do some rearranging with our thought life.

Being confident takes effort. It is a state of mind that fluctuates as we react to our circumstances, mood, physical health, and a whole host of unknown subconscious factors.

My life’s work is about understanding how to maintain this powerful mindset. Based on the theory that true ‘happiness’ is really about feeling self-confident, I have devised all sorts of ways to build and maintain high self-worth.

Try to give rather than get

Most people try to get things out of life. This is the quickest way to push the things you want out of your reach. I wish someone had explained this to me when I was younger.
In order to “get”, you must give. And you must give fully, with no condition or expectation of reward. Try to think of life as deal in VALUE.
To receive value, you must first give it. Make giving value the goal of every interaction. When you are talking to someone, ask yourself “How I can give this person the opportunity to leave here better than when they came in?

This does NOT mean people-please. When you people-please, you are not giving, you are trying to get. Get liked. Get friends. Get approval. Get a reputation as the Nice Guy.
Giving is about ensuring that the person receives what they want, not what you want. Ask before you give help. Ask permission to serve others. Expect nothing in return.
You will be rewarded. This reward will not be what you think you want, but it will be what you actually need. You’ll just have to trust me on this one.

For the rest of the article, check here:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Find What You Are Passionate About Today.....Not Decades From Now.....

What do you like to do? What would you do even if you did not get paid for it?
What are you passionate about?

Here is Tony Robbins talking about our 'musts vs. our shoulds.'

Here is a great diagram which shows us how all these things can intersect
in our lives. Take a look....

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Quit settling for what someone else decides to give you.
You are worth way more than that!

Check out this video

Thursday, September 11, 2014

What To Do If Your Friends Really Suck.....

How are your friends? What type of friends 
do you have?
Do they uplift you?
Do they support your goals and dreams?
Do they throw their support in your direction?

We have all seen those types of friends which
try and bring you down.

I know you have heard of friends who try and
drag anyone back down once they try to bette
their lives.

I hope you do not have friends like that in your life.

Do you have the type of friends that
uplift and support your ambitions to
make a better life for you and your family

The thing that I want to get across most in
this message is that if you aren't absolutely
surrounded with people who are empowering
you to get to the next level in life...

Why not?

We have a whole community of action 
oriented positive entrepreneurs who are 
in the process of creating their perfect 

And we want you to be a part of it.

Sometimes you have to let of the relationships
that aren't serving you in life so that you can
make room for the ones that will bless you.

I look forward to seeing you in our exclusive
Facebook Group after you create your free
Simple Freedom account right here.

(949) 328 1703

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Revealed: Why We Should Never, Ever Use The Word, Can't! ....Ever...

you have heard me say this before and i will say it again.
never, ever use that word, can't.

there is nothing that you, nor i can do, if we persist and
keep at it.

i was thinking about this and one of the things i came up
with is we may not have all the answers to our questions
right at this time.

Sure, there are some things which confound us in our
different businesses but not knowing the answer does
not make us a failure.

Not having the answer to something in my business of
internet marketing right now, i mean, right now if i do
not have an answer to a problem, it DOES NOT make
me a failure.

we might not be at a place where we have all the tools
or the skill set to solve every single problem, but that does
not mean we are a failure.

we become failures when we give up,

  • when we quit...
  • on our dreams
  • our goals
  • our visions
  • our greater plan for our lives
never forget that and never use the word, can't.
check out this story of a young girl who had ever reason 
to give up, to quite trying.....

Here is an even great version of the story, told from the girl's
perspective. I really like this one!